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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1783
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2025 .17 .7353
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17،
number In Volume 12،
issue Number 106
An introduction to the analysis of prominent themes of situational humor in the works of contemporary Iranian writers (based on three authors)
Ghahreman Nikrosh , Hafez Sadeghpour (Author in Charge), Zahra Zareei
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Humor is one of the most important literary genres in the contemporary period, which is divided into two types, verbal and non-verbal. Situational humor is one of the types of non-verbal humor that is derived from images, ideas and concepts that can be a mixture of behavior, situation, scene and speech; But the centrality of this kind of humor is based on the position of its creator. Situational humor has a special place in fiction and dramatic literature. Therefore, in the current research, situational humor has been investigated in six fiction and dramatic works by Javad Mojabi, Mahmoud Etemadzadeh, and Bahman Farsi, who were active in both the fields of drama and fiction. The main issue of the research was to investigate the types of humorous situations and the contexts of their creation, the methods used in this way and their social reflection in order to explain and compare the commonalities and differences of these two areas.
METHODOLOGY: This research examines the contexts of creating situational humor in the dramatic and fictional works of the authors in order to explain and compare their commonalities and differences in this field with descriptive analytical method.
FINDINGS: By studying these works, we observed the humor of the situation in them, which communicate with the audience by creating various images and an atmosphere mixed with reality, and in addition to showing the problems of society in various social, cultural, political, and other contexts. They provide entertainment for the reader.
CONCLUSION: The obtained results show that the themes of creating situational humor in the field of behavior in stories have a higher frequency than other themes and after that characterization has been the attention of most writers. Also, writers have benefited from a wider scope of these techniques in stories than in plays.
Situational humor
, fiction
, drama
, Characterization
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